I have been running a squeezebox radio along with squeezeplayer on 1 or
2 HTC Evo 4g's.  Fine and dandy using either web based control, control
on radio, squeezecommander or orange squeeze.

The other night i added squeezeslave as a service to 2 of my local

The problem:

If i try to group the htpcs with squeezeslave services with
squeezeplayer things go haywire. 

Radio with 2 squeezeslaves in a group: Fine
Radio with 2 squeezeplayers in a group: Fine
Any combination of squeezeplayer(s) and squeezeslave(s) in a group: no
I can even run 2 separate sync groups: 1 with the squeezeslaves, 1 with
squeezeplayers (radio added to either/or) with no problem

I understand that sync isn't always going to be perfect using software
and hardware based players.  Delays in sync are fine, I understand the

Basically this is what happens,  the only way to get squeezeplayers to
play while synced with squeezeslave is to turn off all other devices in
group, turn on squeezeplayers, press play, then turn on other devices
(radio, htpcs).  After playing through a few songs from my local library
i get audio dropouts and my radio displays "rebuffering" after it
rebuffers audio on the radio & htpcs starts but squeezeplayers audio
stops even though the squeezeplayers are turned on.  In that scenario if
you check buffers in the actual squeezeplayer app it displays somewhere
around 95%/98% but shows that the status is either paused or stopped. 
If i make one of the squeezeplayers the active player in any of the
controls it shows they are in fact playing.  Every couple of songs it
continually rebuffers on radio and squeezeslave unless i power off the
grouped squeezeplayer devices.  After the first initial rebuffer, track
time progress towards the end of songs is screwy (counts down to 0:00
and then does -0:01. -0:02 repeatedly) and album art doesn't display new
song until about 30 secs into it.

Strange things, any help would be appreciated greatly.

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