Grumpy Bob wrote: 
> From my perspective, the new UE system fails my needs because:
> 1.  There's not a HiFi quality player, just a radio with no digital or
> analogue outputs (other than a headphone socket)
Not currently no, but there's nothing to say there won't be. It's been
said that there won't be a "Touch as we know it" that is a rebranded
Touch the way the new Radio for all intents and purposes is the same box
as the old one. To me this more or less hints that more products will be
added to the line, what they will be like is of course another matter.
But if you decide to introduce a new line with only one player, I think
it makes sense to begin with the Radio considering that the hardware was
readily available and that it's the most popular model, hence more
likely to rapidly get a bit of momentum for the product line.

Grumpy Bob wrote: 
> From my perspective, the new UE system fails my needs because:
> 2.  The UE Music Library software doesn't run on Linux, so I can't run
> it on my QNAP as I do LMS
It's not in the marketing blurbs no, but as has already been confirmed
it does run on Linux.

Unless you have to replace your SB devices today there's no need to
worry too much about what shortcomings the new line has, a lot of it is
likely to be remedied before a replacement is due.
Also, while we may feel gutted that Logitech killed the SB, giving the
new products a bad rap is counterproductive. I suspect that the
continued support for SB have more to gain from a success of the
UEML-stuff than a failure. After all it's the same people that's behind
both products, if the new stuff sell they will be around, if it bombs
they may be shut down and canned replies from first line support is all
that remains.

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