alfista wrote: 
> Not currently no, but there's nothing to say there won't be. It's been
> said that there won't be a "Touch as we know it" that is a rebranded
> Touch the way the new Radio for all intents and purposes is the same box
> as the old one. To me this more or less hints that more products will be
> added to the line, what they will be like is of course another matter.
> But if you decide to introduce a new line with only one player, I think
> it makes sense to begin with the Radio considering that the hardware was
> readily available and that it's the most popular model, hence more
> likely to rapidly get a bit of momentum for the product line.
> It's not in the marketing blurbs no, but as has already been confirmed
> it does run on Linux.
> Unless you have to replace your SB devices today there's no need to
> worry too much about what shortcomings the new line has, a lot of it is
> likely to be remedied before a replacement is due.
> Also, while we may feel gutted that Logitech killed the SB, giving the
> new products a bad rap is counterproductive. I suspect that the
> continued support for SB have more to gain from a success of the
> UEML-stuff than a failure. After all it's the same people that's behind
> both products, if the new stuff sell they will be around, if it bombs
> they may be shut down and canned replies from first line support is all
> that remains.

Yeah, I would expect a device with digital or analogue outputs to be
forthcoming at some point. I think the Radio will be really nice - after
all, the SBR is! I haven't really seen a decent description of how the
server operates, but I haven't seen any reference to a Linux version -
it's available to download for Mac and Windows only. The iOS/Android app
look really rather nice from the screenshots.

TBH, I'm tempted to reversion one of my SBRs to UER to see how it works
- and i would do if there was a way of returning it to SBR afterwards.


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