garym wrote: 
> Yes, using iPeng I can stream to my iphone and ipad FROM MY 6TB SERVER. 
> The iphone/ipad is not holding the music (just like SB players
> themselves are not holding the music). And it will sync to my other
> players and do gapless.  The only thing lacking at the moment is ipeng's
> use of ReplayGain.  I'd also have to explore a way to get from
> iphone/ipad to DAC in a bit perfect way. There are other threads
> discussing the various docks, etc.

thanks Gary, i didnt realise this either. so an ithing with a suitable
dock would be a fair replacement for my boom, for example ,and other
listening areas where i dont require it to be "audiophile."  However, to
replace my touch (if it fails) playing 24/96 into my main system  with
an ithing i would, as you say, need to find a way of outputting digital
to a DAC, bit perfect. is that possible? has anyone else looked into
this aspect?

any replies would be helpful not just to me i am sure.

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