epoch1970 wrote: 
> A UE radio without speakers is called a bluetooth-capable smartphone. I
> doubt they want to try the audio-video combo receiver any time soon, and
> the swift demise of google's Q doesn't vote in favor of an Internet-only
> hifi-class receiver either. 
> I wouldn't bet the next player in the UE family, if any, is hardware
> based.

Having an always-connected, easily available audio source is a very
distinct product from a bluetooth-capable smartphone.  Key
differentiators of the squeezebox (and potentially UE) line:

- Device is always available and connected.  If your kid wants to listen
to something they don't need a smartphone.  Or if you're listening and
want to walk to another part of the house for a while without
interrupting the audio you can do so easily.
- Flexible synchronization options for whole-house audio
- Optimized browsing/control interface with multiple control options (IR
remote, physical buttons, web, CLI, etc.) and easy integration with
automated systems
- Can provide higher-quality audio (higher sample rates, etc.) than any
existing smartphone devices.  To be honest, this is not something I
particularly care about as I'm already well past the point of
diminishing returns, but there are many people who do.

And this is entirely aside from the unique library management features
the LMS software brings to the table.

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