Speaking as someone who uses that Behringer 302  USB/DAC (squeezeslave
output from my PC), I can tell you that the DAC in that unit is OK but
not wonderful.
>From the comments above, it's an improvement on the Joggler.
If you're setting up somewhere where you already have a receiver, get a
toslink cable and a/b/a between audio output from the Behringer (that
DAC) and toslink to your receiver (receiver's DAC). My mid-range Yamaha
gear (RXV series) was clearly better (mid-range Burr-Brown DACs, but one
per channel)

I took a Behringer 302 apart at one point (long ago) and looked up the
chips in use. As I remember there's a single chip that's a TI
combination DAC and digital audio converter. Given the A/B/A above, this
calls the digital audio converter somewhat into question, but I haven't
gotten around to trying a higher end converter. I'm using a PC and ASIO
so that higher-end would be a Musiland. If I had a portable device and
wanted analog audio output as good as a SB3, I'd think about an
Audioquest Dragonfly, but that's in the $200+ range (the SB3 DAC is
quite good, and, considering the price of the dragonfly, not overpriced)

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