pippin wrote: 
> Well, actually SqueezeCommander's UI is pretty much based on iPeng's UI,
> albeit on an older version.
> I believe what makes it more confusing is that iPeng is based on the iOS
> UI which goes against the common Android UI scheme in some cases, plus
> iPeng has tutorials for things like the "play mode" thing. And it has
> not three but now only one control items in that place.

one of the confusing aspect I think is how the "bread crumb" works,
where you sometimes have to backtrack to get out of a given context. 
The iOS gui elements are also surely a strange thing on an Android
device, but SqueezeCommander also merely scales up on a tablet instead
of showing a different UI.

It's sad that flatterman has disappeared. I would be willing to buy the
app again, even at a higher price, to see a good tablet UI.  Do you
still have contact with him? I wonder what happened.... no words or

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