Well both these problems got solved last night.

As Dan Sully indicated, the continuous firmware 
updates were due to changes on SqueezeNetwork. 
Shortly after he indicated they would stop, they did.

And I couldn't see my SB2 due to an id10t error. 
When you're on SqueezeNetwork, you are not 
connected to SlimServer so SlimServer can't see 
your SB.  (Duh!)  As soon as I log off 
SqueezeNetwork, SlimServer immediately picks up my SB.

Now in regards to my router, I'm picking up a new 
one right after I type this.  I refuse to play 
whack-a-mole with my SMC firmware any more.

Mark Lanctot wrote:
> Hey guys: thanks for sticking with me as I work
> through this stuff.
> Anyway, here I am playing Internet Radio through
> SqueezeNetwork on my SB2 through my super-long
> Ethernet cable.  Working OK, but there are two
> 1.  Nearly every time I connect to the
> it asks me to do a firmware update.  I have updated
> the firmware at least 20 times tonight!  The splash
> screen on startup keeps alternating between
> "squeezebox" (i.e. the new one) and "squeezebox2". 
> have a feeling it's going from the new firmware back
> to the old one again and again.  Any advice to get
> of this loop?  I understand that the newest
> also contains the latest firmware, but I'm running
> 6.1.1 - is this part of the problem?
> 2.  When I was doing testing with my short Ethernet
> cable SlimServer could see my SB2 just fine.  Now it
> can't find the player.  I suspect the two are
> it finds it for a second or so and says "Your player
> requires a firmware update.  Press and hold
> BRIGHTNESS" yada yada, then it loses it again. 
> Obviously the SB2 finds SlimServer just fine.

  Mark Lanctot


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