The file demux_real.c matches my baseline. Also the behaviour and
messages output indicate that your latest Mplayer build used it - so
there is no need for a rebuild.

Rather than keep updating my CVS build - I have stayed with a mid Sept
build and then later re-test with latest CVS and pre7. I don't believe
there is anything to be gained by going back to pre7. 

I have a number of test files built from ethereal logs so I can test
base functionality on different versions.  The real time stream from
the BBC has packets arriving at different rates and that can't be
simulated easily but our current problem is "garbled" audio which can
only happen if not enough or too many packets are passed to the codec -
timing of packets doesn't matter as the code processes packets
sequentially with no regard to whether a file or a live stream supplied

I now have a Softsqueeze running on my Linux box and Slim 6.1.2 running
on Windows with no problems.

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