psm0110 Wrote: 
> Is there a place to download 6.1?

There are a variety to chose from, depending on what OS you're using.

psm0110 Wrote: 
> I am sorely disappointed by some of the harsh comments about the
> software working fine for most people.Me too.

psm0110 Wrote: 
> I suppose if the websites I create work for 85% of visitors my clients
> should just disregard the 15% of lost customers?I'm not sure logic applies 
> here. 

The first couple of times I made suggestions here, I too found great
hostility. I'm not sure why. My suggestions were, as an outsider,

I later found out that some of what I was suggesting was between
impractical and impossible given the strategic directions SLIM had
taken (to abandon a poorly thought out and poorly implemented interface
I had in my ignorance chosen to use in favour of a more complete one).
But a calmer response would have been nicer. 

>From a distance now, looking back, better documentation would have
avoided the problem. When I made the decision, the interface I avoided
had fewer features and said it was intended for home automation
systems. Since I wasn't building anything like that, I left it alone.
Nothing in the documentation said that the interface I chose was
depricated and scheduled for no more development, and the home
automation interface was the way to go (AFAIK still true as of 6.2,

In point of fact, I left the forums at that point determined never to
come back. I did come back, because at the heart of this project is
some good hardware that I can use for a project I'm working on, some
good software, only some of the features I use, somem good people whose
efforts are going more or less in the same direction as I am, and
because no one else is doing what I want to do and can't accomplish on
my own.

Oh, and because I like to listen to music :-). 

My parents and grandparents danced and there was always music around. 
When I was a pre-teen someone gave me a broken transistor radio and
said "if you can fix it, it's yours". It had been dropped and had a
broken solder trace. I bridged the solder gap, and listened to 1050
CHUM with an earpiece on the way to and from junior high school.

This is just the 40 year later extension of that fun I had listening to

I think what's not obvious to people when they first come here, and
what perhaps needs to be better explained to the newcomer, is that most
people on this list are not part of Slim Devices, don't speak for Slim
Devices, and may in fact not know what they're talking about. Also
their opinions vary all over the map. 

Since it is an open software project, some people on this list are Slim
employees, some people are not but are very involved (i.e. they write
and contribute code), some are merely ego involved, etc. 

And all linear combinations are possible. And perhaps non-linear as

This is not to excuse bad behaviour, but it may go some distance toward
explaining it.

I guess you have 2 options - put your shields up and put up with the
occasional bout of bad temper and rudeness in order to have something
that seems relatively unusual in the hardware world at this point, or
not. It's unfortunate, but one of the problems with open software
projects is ... openness.

Same is true of democracy, I guess. Everyone gets a vote. 

Man that's too much philosophy for the first cup of coffee.... sorry
about being so long.

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