Hello all,
New to forum but long time user of squeezebox's. I'm building a new
house and am looking to have 5 rooms able to access 5 different music. I
have built in ceiling speakers. My contractor told me about sonus but I
want to be able to use what I already have. I have 1 duet and 1 boom. I
figured I can at least buy 4 more booms ....although they are
discontinued, I can buy thru eBay.  I was also told that maybe the sonos
is better because they work on their own proprietary wifi which won't
clog up my other wifi system. My assumption is that the squeezebox
scenario is less expensive.   Want to able to control all of these thru
my phone. Not sure as I assume there are apps on the smartphone for both
systems. Also not sure if squeezebox can retrieve my iTunes library if
my pc is off.
Thx in advance.

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