azinck3 wrote: 
> An SB3 is basically a Boom without speakers.  So yes, with an SB3 setup
> you would need an SB3 + amp for each zone.  But you can get an SB3 for
> about $120 on eBay, and then just pick whatever amp you want.  Since the
> Sonos you're looking at are $500/each you could potentially spend up to
> $380 per amp before hitting the price of the Sonos!  But you need not
> spend $380/amp.  A budget of $100/amp is more than sufficient and you
> could go as low as ~$20/amp if you really wanted.
> So, just to be really clear, for each zone you could buy an SB3:
> and something like one of these:
> And have a very reasonable per-zone cost of < $150
> If you wanted a little more powerful amp, something like one of these
> would give you comparable output to the Sonos unit and is still just
> $88/amp, putting your total cost ~$200 per zone:

All controllable from my smartphone?   Sounds like a way for me to stay
with squeezebox.:-)

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