Jaca wrote: 
> Just image how LMS 'Music folder' works on my 128MB RAM NAS O_O..  
> 10-15sec extends sometimes to 30+ (which make Music folder pretty much
> unusable - unless you got patience of monk)
> It's really pain as I have always prefered browsing folders and newer
> been fan of library based on tag's. Specially when some of tag's are
> inccorect / not complete.. (and it seems like big job to get all tag's
> sorted properly)
> Even with correct tag's I don't want everything in one place. With
> folders you can structure your library however you like..
> I got quite a lot of various audio which is not suitable for my main
> library and that's why I use LMS Lite on 32GB USB connected to one of my
> SBT's
> Does anyone uses Multi-Library plugin, is it any good? Never tried it
> myself cos read that smth is wrong with it..Can't rember what O_O

Don't use it myself but I see plenty of reports of happy users of
multilibrary plugin.  Regarding folders vs tags. LMS is designed to work
with tags. Folders is not really meant to be the main approach to
finding music to play.  And just because one uses tags doesn't mean you
can't also have a very useful, logical file structure. I have about
70,000 tracks. They are organized by;


So I can find anything by directory/subdirectory if I choose to. But all
have good tags.  And if your directory structure is good, one can use
something like mp3tag to automatically create tags from the info
contained in the file name or the directory and subdirectory location of
the files themselves. mp3tag has a very good "mapping" function to do
this in a batch way.  (and mp3tag works with other than only mp3
Bottom line:  for other than very small collections, browsing by folder
is not going to be a good experience for LMS users.

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