gruntwolla wrote: 
> Hi all,
> I've been doing a bit of research on the Olive One, and maybe I'm being
> naive, but this product looks like it could be everything the Squeezebox
> should have evovved into. Has anyone else here had a good look at their
> website, and if so what are the potential negatives, if any?
I haven't looked into Olive One in detail, but generally I think it's
important to not just look at the hardware but also look at the

The Squeezebox hardware might be great but if it weren't combined with
LMS and it would just be another music streaming
devices that didn't differ much from the other devices avaialble on the
market, it's the software that makes the Squeezebox stand out together
with the fact that it has hardware suitable for many different type of

If you are only looking for a device in the main listening room which is
able to play an album/song with excellent audio quality after selecting
on, it might be ok to focus primarily on the hardware, but if you have a
large collection that requires better browsing abilities or you want
smart playlists or you need to be able to play music also in other kind
of rooms and maybe even synchronize audio between multiple devices, it's
important to also take a look at the software part of the setup. My
feeling from what I've seen on the market is that it's often the
software part that's lacking compared to a Squeezebox setup.

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