ralphy wrote: 
> Can you describe what part(s) of post #1 are not clear?
> To play sample rates higher than 48000 you MUST set the
> USEPAMAXSAMPLERATE environment variable as laid out in the first post. 
> Otherwise anything above 48000 is down sampled to 48000 by LMS.
> I can confirm that 24bit 96000 and 192000 wav files play with the latest
> 7.8 LMS provided you haven't changed any of the file type settings in
> LMS.


What part of my post made you think that I had not set the environment
variables correctly ? Can you describe your thought processes in
replying in such a brusque manner ?

I have changed the file type settings for WAV to disabled except for PCM
which is native, would these changes have caused it to no longer work ?

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