OK, I still owe an announcement of the latest updates...

A late “Happy New Year” to all of you!

And to start the new year, iPeng for iPhone, iPad and iPeng UE got some
polish through a minor update.


-     Probably the first thing you’ll notice is that the bobble-hat
  icon is gone again.
-     The iPhone Apps now hide the status bar by default. This gives a
  little more space you can especially use well on the smaller
  3,5″ screens but more importantly, it prevents the notification
  center from accidentally coming up (or down) when you try to drag down
  the MultiPlayer control. If you still prefer to see the status bar you
  can re-enable it in the settings.
-     In all Apps you can now chose to always use English as the user
  interface language, independent of the one selected on your device.
  While this is a bit against Apple’s UI guidelines a lot of users
  requested it to be able to match an English language setting on the
  server side since iPeng doesn’t support all languages and also since a
  lot of plugins are only available in English.
-     The URL calling scheme to open iPeng from other Apps has been
  updated to allow the selection of a certain player when opening iPeng.
  You can find the details here:

Have fun!

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