The problem is that squeezeplay has low level code (probably written in
'C') to decode FLAC and mp3 natively.  That code will be processor
specific.  Something like OrangeSqueeze is formatting messages to send
to the squeezebox server, parsing responses, and presenting it all in a
nice UI.  Yes, this a gross simplification, but OrangeSqueeze can do all
of this using native interfaces in Andriod.  

The app authors can chime in and give you more detail, but that's my
understanding of the situation.  Back when the Revue had come out, there
was a lot of discussion about getting squeezeplay to run on the Revue
turning it into a squeezebox - but it wasn't a simple task (could have
been an impossible one actually) and given the quick demise of the
product, it wasn't worth the effort.

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