Squeezemenicely wrote: 
> The main thing that drives nuts about SB is LMS running on Squeezeplug.
> Searches can be very slow, sudden restarts of the Server etc. Then
> having to wait till it is available again.

When I started with squeezeboxes I used a woefully underpowered readynas
duo. It worked, but searching and browsing was painfully slow.  I moved
on to running LMS/SbS/SC on an old laptop and it was night and day
difference. I've since moved to a headless vortexbox appliance as LMS
server. With 70,000+ files, I find searching and browsing to be
instantaneous. I am typically playing something (my own music or
internet radio) 12 hours a day, longer on the weekend.  I have no
buffering/crashes/slowdowns, etc. Bottom line, an underpowered computer
is not a good idea for optimum LMS/SB performance. 

I'm sure SONOS is fine for many (most?) people. It doesn't work for me
due to the size of my library, my tagging system (where I may have
multiple ARTIST tags or GENRE tags), and SONOS lacks many (most) of the
random playlist functions I've come to rely on (erland's dynamic
playlists, the new SmartMix plugin, etc.).

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