I would like to take up your time and ask a bit about how you would like
your social life (friends) to be integrated with your music
listening/discovery ?

Don't limit yourself to a specific product, system or service unless you
feel it's important, just explain a bit what you think would be
important and if there are things that you don't care about. Think both
about local music and online music when answering. Think both about real
life relations and online relations when answering.

The questions below are just some here to give you a view of what kind
of things I'd like to know more about, but feel free to expand on other
areas within the same topic or skip answering some of the questions if
you feel that you don't have an opinion.

1. Do you want to recommend music to your friends ? 
-- Do you want to recommend it to all your friends, some of them or a
specific one ? 
-- Do you want to do recommendations manually or do you want
recommendations to be produced automatically based on your playback
history ?
-- In which situation do you realize you want to recommend something ?
-- What kind of device/devices do you have in front of you when you want
to do the recommendation ?

2. Do you want to get recommendations for great music from your friends
-- Do you want to get it from all your friends or would you like to hide
recommendations from some friends which doesn't have the same music
taste as you ?
-- Do you only want manual recommendations from your friend or would
automatic recommendations based on what they have been listening to
recently be of interest ?
-- In which situation do you get recommendations ?
-- What kind of device/devices/service do you have in front of you when
you get recommendations ?
-- What kind of device/devices/service do you have in front of you when
you want to view recommendations ?

3. Would you like to browse your friends library to find some
interesting music ?
-- Would you focus on their playback history ?
-- Would you focus on their recently rated/loved tracks ?
-- Would you focus on their playback statistics, like what they have
mostly listen to during the last 3 months or something similar ?

4. Would you accept that friends can browse your library to find
something interesting ?
-- Would that be too much of a privacy concern ?
-- Would it be acceptable but only if you could select which parts of
your library that should be available to your friends ?
-- Would you accept that they can see what you are mostly listening to

5. Do you want to see the music activities of your friends ?
-- Like information about music they have recently added to their
library, listened to or marked as loved ?

6. Are you willing to share your own music activities to your friends ?
-- Like information about music you have recently added to their
library, listened to or marked as loved ?

7. How do you want to manage the list of music friends ?
-- Through existing social networks like Facebook, Google+,Twitter,  ...
-- Through a special social music network ?
-- Both ?

8. How do you want to find new music friends ?
-- Only through real life contacts where you have meet the person ?
-- Through this community ?
-- Do you want to get recommendations of new possible friends based on
that you listen to similar music ?

I've also recently posted some other similar threads for other topics,
if you haven't answered on them previously please take the time to do
- Usage of online services in your family:
- Usage of local music library in your family:
- How do you want to create/manage playlists:

erland's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3124
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=98316

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