Erland, for the record:

1. Do you want to recommend music to your friends ? => Sometimes
-- Do you want to recommend it to all your friends, some of them or a
specific one ? => Specific
-- Do you want to do recommendations manually or do you want
recommendations to be produced automatically based on your playback
history ? => Manually
-- In which situation do you realize you want to recommend something ?
=> When discussing w/ the person. Usually not at home, and usually I
forgot part of the information I'd like to share…
-- What kind of device/devices do you have in front of you when you want
to do the recommendation ? => My mobile phone.

2. Do you want to get recommendations for great music from your friends
? => I do. I have a few friends much more knowledgeable thant myself.
-- Do you want to get it from all your friends or would you like to hide
recommendations from some friends which doesn't have the same music
taste as you ? => Selected friends
-- Do you only want manual recommendations from your friend or would
automatic recommendations based on what they have been listening to
recently be of interest ? => They know what I should like. Automatic
wouldn't probably do.
-- In which situation do you get recommendations ? => Discussing,
sometimes listening to music.
-- What kind of device/devices/service do you have in front of you when
you get recommendations ? => Mobile phone
-- What kind of device/devices/service do you have in front of you when
you want to view recommendations ? => ditto

3. Would you like to browse your friends library to find some
interesting music ? => yes
-- Would you focus on their playback history ? => probably not 
-- Would you focus on their recently rated/loved tracks ? => possibly
-- Would you focus on their playback statistics, like what they have
mostly listen to during the last 3 months or something similar ? => no

4. Would you accept that friends can browse your library to find
something interesting ? => yes
-- Would that be too much of a privacy concern ? => not a problem with
real (life) friends
-- Would it be acceptable but only if you could select which parts of
your library that should be available to your friends ? => no. It's all
or nothing (one less thing to manage)
-- Would you accept that they can see what you are mostly listening to ?
=> yes

5. Do you want to see the music activities of your friends ? => If you
mean a feed, instead of me seeking for the information: not interested.
-- Like information about music they have recently added to their
library, listened to or marked as loved ?

6. Are you willing to share your own music activities to your friends ?
=> I doubt it is of much interest, but yes.
-- Like information about music you have recently added to their
library, listened to or marked as loved ?

7. How do you want to manage the list of music friends ? => Don't care,
as long as the group is completely closed.
-- Through existing social networks like Facebook, Google+,Twitter, ...
-- Through a special social music network ?
-- Both ?

8. How do you want to find new music friends ? => I am not looking for
new music friends.
-- Only through real life contacts where you have meet the person ? =>
-- Through this community ? => great community, but I don't see how that
would work for me.
-- Do you want to get recommendations of new possible friends based on
that you listen to similar music ? => no.

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