JohnSwenson wrote: 
> Correct, all TOSLINK transmitters that I know about take a standard
> digital input and have a builtin LED driver circuit. I don't know of any
> that bring the LED pins out directly. That 22.2 ohm resistor is just a
> standard thing used to slightly cut down the rise time of the signal to
> cut down on ringing when driving a load. 
> The cap between VCC and GND is important, but I'm not as sure about the
> necessity of the ferrite bead. 
> BTW for removing stubborn parts on boards you might want to try ChipQuik
> solder. It is sold for removing SMD parts but it works just as well for
> through hole ones as well. It is a solder with a super low melting
> point, melt blobs  of it over the pins and keep the iron moving between
> blobs, it will dissolve the original solder and stay liquid long enough
> for you to pull the part off. After you get the part off use solder wick
> etc. to make sure you get all of this off the board before soldering a
> new part. 
> This having it wrong on wandboard just reinforces my findings, there is
> a curse on TOSLINK transmitters. I have NEVER put one on a board that
> turned out right the first time. Including the SWAMP05. I know it's
> going to turn out wrong so I quadruple check the spec sheets to make
> SURE I get it hooked up right, and it still turns out wrong. And here
> the wandboard guys did it as well. It's got to be a curse. We can do 314
> pin monster connectors right, 900 pin cpus right, but these simple
> little 3 terminal devices confound us all. It doesn't make sense. 
> Actually I think it's the spec sheets. The one for the part on SWAMP05
> has a table that says pin 3 is ground, and the schematic shows pin 1
> connected to ground. Another I looked at shows the pins being labeled 1
> 2 3 in line on the physical drawing, but when listing the functions in a
> table they list 1 3 2. If you are not VERY careful in reading this you
> can get it backwards. It's sloppy spec sheets that I think are at the
> root of the curse. But it's sort of nice to know that I'm not the only
> one to have this problem. 
> John S.

It is always the simple things that seem to go wrong on the schematic
and PCB layout.  Number 1 mistake has to be connector reversal.
I finally tracked down a copy of the datasheet for the KYT-1150A part
that is used on the Wandboard and confirmed that the pinout on the
Wandboard is indeed incorrect for this part.

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