garym wrote: 
> duet will only play 24/48 files and these are 24/96 or 24/192. That
> said, LMS  should automatically transcode the files on the fly to reduce
> to 24/48.  A couple of thoughts:
> 1. Have you changed any of the file type settings in LMS > Settings >
> Advanced > file types from default (e.g., to have FLAC decoded on the
> server vs the player, etc.).
> 2. You say they work on windows media server, served by LMS on your
> vortexbox but do not work when coming from same LMS to duet.  I'm a bit
> confused. Windows Media Server is not a software SB player so I'm not
> sure how you are feeding it with LMS.  Are you using the DLNA part of
> LMS to serve the files to WMS?  Or do you simply mean you play the files
> on WMS by pointing WMS to the actual files that are stored on your
> Vortexbox (but LMS is not actually involved)?
> I might experiment with installing LMS temporarily on a regular
> laptop/desktop and put these files in a small library. Then play to the
> duet from this temporary LMS.  Do they play correctly then?  Finally,
> some have reported odd issues with HDtrack files that were solved when
> converted from FLAC to new FLAC files. But it seems you've tried this
> (although not sure where the mp3 conversion plays into
> should convert from flac to flac.  dbpoweramp or foobar2000 would
> certainly work for this. but the MM software should too....not sure how
> it handles hires files.

Thanks once more for your helpful input, Garym.  It seems that the
problem I've got must be lack of horsepower in the ancient PC hosting
Vortexbox and LMS.  
1.  No, I've not changed anything in the advanced settings.
2.  The last - I just meant Windows Media Server on my fast PC was
getting the flac files over the network from the ancient PC where LMS
is, and LMS wasn't involved.  

Sorry for the red herring with mp3.  I converted those first just to
check that there was valid music in the problem files.  And forgot to
delete the reference to mp3 before posting.  

And I conclude that neither Medie Monkey Gold nor FlicFlac offer
conversion to 'simple' flac.  At least, I couldn't find any
configuration options that suggest they do.  Since the output files from
both give the same faulty play via the SB Duet, I guess the files are
coming out pretty much the same hi-res as they went in.  And as you'll
see from my next post, Foobar2000 did the trick.

Squeezebox Duet digital into Yamaha RX-V2700 and Jamo speakers; analogue
into Speakercraft MZC-66 for whole house system. Library is mostly FLAC,
on external USB drive; Squeezecenter 7.7 running on VortexBox (built on
an elderly Dell PC).  Ethernet between Squeezebox and PC; controller
uses wireless via router.
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