pippin wrote: 
> What do you use as a player, if it's not iPeng?

Sorry, I'm using iPeng when using the iPad Dock. I inadvertently left
that out of the description.

pippin wrote: 
> When you are connected to your LMS in iPeng it should show up as a
> player in the list of players. The one you get when tapping the player
> name (or "no player found" message) at the bottom left in iPeng 7.
> Or do I misunderstand your question?

What I didn't realize was that I needed to tap the AirPlay button on the
iPad volume panel to get music to play on the NAD instead of the iPad. I
got it working using iPeng (streaming to the NAD D7050 using AirPlay)!
Yet, it wants to skip forward 2 tracks midway through a song (about 30
secs into the track). Recall that LMS and my music library are 100 feet
away on a win7 PC. It seems to play all the way through the 2nd track
once it skips, but this happened on 4 of 5 albums and select a track.

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