Hi folks, 

It's one of those days when I wonder why I persevere with these
things..... definitely!

I posted this in the Boom forum, but I'm taking it over here because it
seems I was too hasty and it's a wider issue..

This morning, I tried to turn on a Boom that hadn't been used for a good
few days. Nothing - wouldn't connect. This evening I thought I'd try and
sort it out. It's the "downstairs boom", connected via a powerline wifi
extender. It would connect to the network (signal strength +70%) and it
would connect to MSB.com; but wouldn't connect to either version of LMS
that's running. 

So, I took it upstairs, connected it next to the PC and vortexbox, and
it connected OK - once I'd asked the vortexbox LMS to 'take it over'.
OK. Too it downstairs again - nothing. Now it won't even connect.

While checking the LMS settings to see which players were connected to
which LMS, I thought "hang on, where's the Kitchen Boom?" This is one of
the most frequently used players, hasn't moved for weeks or months, and
it too can't connect. I've tried factory resets and re-entering the wifi
password - it still can't connect to the network.

Is there different hardware or software architecture for these things vs
the SB3, Touch or SB1? 

I'm about to start the chore of switching off all devices, rebooting the
router and powering it all back up again, but that gets old pretty

Any other suggestions?? Everything else seems to be working and playing

And that's where I was wrong - everything else is not playing OK. My
'bedroom SB3' now cannot connect to the network.... So it seems like the
whole thing has collapsed, after a period of stability with the
introduction of the vortexbox and its LMS. Nothing (that I can think of)
has happened to provoke this, but clearly some obscure computer or
network reason has popped up.



SB "user" since 2000...
2 x SB1 ; 2 x SB3 ; 2 x Boom ; 1 x Touch ; 1 x Controller
Windows 7 and LMS Version: 7.7.3 - 1375965195

Next step... a Vortexbox?
donmacn's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=36036
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=100866

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