PasTim wrote: 
> A. I need to use the full LMS.
> B. A software player such as Squeezelite is perfect, except...
> C. I want it to output directly over my wired network in the UPnP stream
> format, rather than to an audio device - that's all.
> To be honest another piece of hardware, running another version of
> linux, or android, is another device I have to maintain and worry about.
> I would need to work out whether I need to look at any security issues
> (there always are), update issues (there often are), read countless
> forum entries about which way to connect to my amplifier (conmisdering
> all sorts of topics I don't understand, like jitter), whether I need a
> tweaked kernel, and so on.  All for a piece of kit I don't really want. 
> It isn't the cost, it's the complication.  Further, to connect to my
> other renderer in another room, do I need a second box?  
> No.  An extension to software we already must surely be one way to go
> for people who like simplicity. 
While is may be possible to extend Squeezelite to act as a DNLA server,
I think it's unlikely to happen since
- it's already possible to do this using the solution I described above
- it's a very specific and limited use case
- it results in a loss of functionality
- the only advantage I could see would be one (small, cheap (<40EUR),
and e.g. with picoplayer basically maintenance-free) box less

> Come to think of it, by running multiple copies of a 'squeezelite-like'
> player I could probably get a reasonable multi-room sync if I had to,
> given existing tools in LMS.
Unlikely - DNLA has no provision for this, and without any intelligence
in the endpoint, the server cannot adjust anything in any case due to
the lack of feedback

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