suryateja.b wrote: 
> Hi All,
> I am new user for this LMS.i have installed latest version of
> Logitech Media Server on ZOTAC with Windows 7.In the same network i have
> connected my 6 RPi's.I have installed latest version of squeezebox for
> RPi and then i have followed this
> tutorial( the six RPI's
> are connected to my entire house.Now my problem is,when i open LMS Web
> GUI with the ip address.It is showing all the Music files but it is not
> showing all the players(RPi's).it is showing only 1 and jumping between
> the players.but i have given server ip address manually for every
> RPi.When try to ping the RPi IP address from the server it is pinging
> perfectly.I have trun off the firewall on Windows.Please suggest me what
> i have to do.

So, if you have made a new card for each player they should all show up
(I can't remember the limit for the number of players supported by LMS).

I would suggest that you disconnect all six and start by installing each
player, one by one, in the Audio Player section of SqueezePlug/Max2play.

Make sur that all the settings for squeezelite (apart from the name, IP
Address) are identical and that each player works as you install it.

Also that you restart Squeezelite after each player configuration, or
reboot if you prefer.

Take your time and check each one as you progress.



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