After starting this thread, I tried a Sonos Connect for use with
Rhapsody but was disappointed with the sound quality from the digital
outputs (lacking in bass compared to the SB3, just not as engaging to
listen to.)  I returned the Sonos and am now trying a Denon Heos Link. 
My immediate impression was it is quite similar sounding to the SB3,
using the coaxial digital output.  The bass is back, and it has a good
3-d quality to the sound.  I have to do more critical listening before I
will say it is equal to the SB3, but it was good enough that I didn't
immediately return it.  There is no display on the unit, but I am using
an Android table for a controller which works well.  All of the music
services and Internet radio I like to listen to are available (mainly
Rhapsody, Pandora and Tunein radio).

Has anyone else tried the Heos Link as a Squeezebox replacement?  I
would be interested in any impressions of the sound through an external

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