TheLastMan wrote: 
> Hi folks.  I am trying to connect remotely from work to my LMS server on
> my home network which uses the port 9000.  However, most outgoing ports
> are blocked here.  Is there any way round this?

Opening SB 9000 directly to the outside world is a seriously BAD idea!

If you have a fixed IP at home or can use a Dynamic DNS service then
install CYGWIN which is an SSH server for Windoz (assuming your using
windoz)  Mac has SSH built in and its available for all versions of
Linux if not already pre installed.

Then at work install PUTTY. 

Point a web browser to localhost and SOCKS proxy in network settings. 

Set up a dynamic port in PUTTY to point to your home address.  Connect.
You need to add a user at the home end with permissions to access via
SSH. Set a Very secure password! 

Open and pinhole port 22 (SSH) on the home router to the internal home
PC (the SSH server)

Enter localhost:9000 in the browser 

This stuff is very well documented on the net. Tag# SSH, PUTTY, CYGWIN

Systems: 3x SB III's, 1 x SB Boom,  Quad II monoblocks, Quad 303 & 33,
Kef 104ab, Antique Soundlabs tube amp, Bespoke self designed and built
Base Reflex columns. 
I love my Squeezebox almost as much as we Kiwis love sheep. 
New Zealand: The land where men are men and sheep are wearisome of
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