I have been using the official Logitech app for android with my
Squeezebox radio for a long time now but diving deeper into multi
players with my new Raspberry Pi 2 and Hifiberry DAC+Pro and finding
some issues with the old control app.

I have loader the free apps to try , Squeezer, and Squeezedroid, and
looking to see what benefits there might be to go to a paid app.

I was looking at Squeeze Commander , Squeeze Ctrl , or Orange Squeeze.

Can anyone tell my what one they feel is better and why they feel it is
the one worth paying for ?

I don't mind paying for an app but would prefer to pay for one that I
will use over paying for three to test out and only use one.

Thank you for your help in advance, I did a lot of searching but could
not find any threads with a clear comparison.


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