I think I need to explain a bit better what I am suggesting.

Imagine a serious bugfix.  Imagine now is 1999 and SB1 wasn't Y2K
ready.  the world would end anyway like they're saying but Slim would I
imagine fix this and release a firmware upgreade.

Why don't Slim upgrade old SB1 firmware?
- Because they have SB2/SB3 work to do - that pays the bills.
- Because if they broke something it only means more work.  Don't fix
  what isn't broken.
- Because even if it were possible to do something if someone wants
  it that bad they will buy the current model (Slim need to make
  money).  They had already bought the SB1 based on what it could do so
  you don't need to sell it to them.

Now the wake-on-lan issue is a strange issue.  No doubt it's a simple
fix and it can easily be applied to SB1.  And nobody is going to buy a
SB2/3 just for wake-on-lan (well there will always be 1).  Luckily for
users of the SB2 they are using the same firmware as "The New
Squeezebox" (AKA SB3) otherwise I imagine they wouldn't be getting

But imagine Slim release new firmware for the SB1 officially....what
can happen.

- Introduce a bug
- Someone screws up the upgrade, or it goes wrong
Both of these cost time/money for Slim hence the reason why they won't
do it...even if it was changing 1 byte of code.  They don't want to set
a precedent either.

But now imagine as this is such a simple fix (I guess) and such a
unimportant thing to most if someone somewhere acquired a unofficial
file posted by someone who worked for someone.

Got me?

Jim's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=213
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=18144

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