Hi HiFi friends,

I was attracted to the Roon hype, looked into it and got confused. 
I know that the HiFi world is a matter of taste and preferences, and the
argumentation for whatever equipment or software does not have to be
based on pure cold logic :) However, did I get this right, that Roon
wants me to pay them ~500 bucks and to buy a 500 bucks NAS / Mac Mini in
order to allow myself to listen to my own music, which I can do anyways
today? Hmmm ...  If I look at apps like Synology native DS Video (as an
example, not as an alternative to Roon!)  - which gives you a Roon-like
augmented experience of your own video media (ratings, reviews, info on
artists, pics, trailers, ...) with multi-device support - the price
(zero, subsidized with hardware) is much more realistic. 
And one last word on "lifetime" pricing: it is their lifetime, not yours

I understand this is a premium service, but dear Roon managers: you need
to find new financing models for this, to make it more attractive to
customers. Do not forget, your market segment are the geeks. Some of
them rich, but still geeks ;)

Long live my LMS infrastructure ;)

bsergiu's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=66496
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=104044

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