jclausius wrote: 
> There's no public access to the Squeezebox Server from the internet.  

If you're not connecting from outside your home network, no need for a
VPN, just make sure your firewall is locked down well.   I also have a
separate WLAN for work, a guest WLAN and my home network which is
bridged wired / wireless.   None of the networks have access to any of
the others, all have access to the internet with different security
settings.   I keep my phone on my home WLAN and use iPeng to control my
LMS on the wired home network.  Occasionally if I need to troubleshoot
and need full access, I just switch my laptop to the home network so I
can use a PC browser.

"You know, I'm all for progress. It's change I object to."
Mark Twain

LMS 7.9 on Raspberry Pi3 w/200GB SD 
5 Receivers, 1 Boom, 2 Radios, 1 Controller, 1 iPhone & 1 iPad w/iPeng &
Squeezebox Apps, 1 Android phone w/Squeezer
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