wellsi wrote: 
> Thanks Michael.
> well, I did a half hour test streaming around 5 songs.  Somehow I
> managed to consume 2Gb of data.... and it's come off the allowance, so
> that tells me 2 things:
> 1. It's not streaming directly from deezer.com but is going through a
> proxy or something via mysb.com, which means it does come off the
> allowance, whicih is a shame, and
> 2.  Streaming to multiple players does indeed consume mulitple amopunts
> of data, which seems bonkers.  If I'm playing the same song, surely it
> shoudl just duplicate within my own network, not stream the same song
> mulitple times.  I had 5 players synchronised, which explains the
> enourmous amount of data consiumed in under half an hour...

5 songs would only consume about 100MB - 2GB must have been consumed
elsewhere. Can you track down from what source that data came?

Trust me when I say nothing is being proxied through mysb.com - the cost
would kill us. Are you using LMS or connect to mysb.com directly? The
single stream when synced would only work when using LMS (for
aforementioned reasons).


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