sfraser wrote: 
> I thought maybe I could make some playlists with LMS and copy the
> content to a thumb drive? Each thumbdrive would be a different playlist.
> It would be a neat LMS plugin! Only way I can think of is using a music
> app such as Media Monkey which accepts M3U files and give the app the
> same mount point as LMS uses for the music library.
I've written a script for this scenario (synchronizes audio files
referenced in a playlist (or a directory) to a target folder (in my
case, SD card for car or phone mounted via MTP))
Needs Python 3 (and ffmpeg+mp3gain if lossless should be converted to
Tested on Linux, may or may not work on other OSes.
If this is of interest, I can post a D/L link.

'Various SW' ( Web Interface | Playlist
Editor / Generator | Music Classification | Similar Music | Announce |
EventTrigger | LMSlib2go | ...
'Various HowTos' ( build a
self-contained LMS | Bluetooth/ALSA | Control LMS with any device | ...
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