So new update for anybody following or anybody who might have a

The wifi extenders used in bridge mode (not extending) connected to the
radios / receivers seems to have mostly solved the problem. I've gone
almost 3 weeks without disconnects. To say that's a difference is an
understatement given that the old record without players dropping off
was closer to 3 days.

But I discovered a place where the problem crops up and it might shed
some light as to why the problem happened in the first place.

My neighbors' wifis are not friendly and they jump around a lot. Since I
was on the new bridges I put the router radio channel back on "auto"
since I figured the new equipment works well with this. And for a few
weeks it did. Until Friday night, my netflix stream was degraded. Come
to find the channel my router landed on was very noisy indeed and it
hadn't switched. So I reboot the router and it finds a new channel and
netflix is back to normal.

But, after that reboot, 3 players are now offline.

The bridged extenders came back online, no problem. The duets themselves
don't even show they're offline, their icon stayed white.

But no matter what I did, I couldn't get them to reconnect to the server
until I rebooted the players themselves.

So this is interesting because it rules out that it's purely the
wireless hardware that causes the problem but a combination of
intermittent wireless (with the built in radios) and then some part of
the software responsible for making contact timing out and giving up.

One thing I considered is that the extenders offer net access to the
device connected to it *BEFORE* it's able to connect to the source wifi
itself. That means that packets will dead-end for the first minute that
it's live until it's able to reconnect to the source wifi.

Curious if anybody had ideas on that.

If not, I think I can live with 3 week uptime.

I've set my channel statically to 1 for now, and I'm hoping all my
neighbors try to route around it.

1 Touch
5 Receivers
3 Controllers
2 Radios
Making streaming music in my home a full time job!
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