The is a little like the children's game Telephone.  Information will get
distorted as people repeat it.

Slim Devices and Progressive are the most reliable sources of information
about shipments to the UK.  However we have experienced over a 300% increase
in demand over what we did last Christmas.

On the good side, we've never been better prepared for a surge in demand.
Supplies look good and we don't expect any problem filling everyone's
Christmas shopping list.

Thank you for your understanding.


On 12/8/05 5:41 AM, "pedalhead"

> Thanks for the reply Paul.  Obviously everything I hear is via Audio-T,
> but originally I was told they would be sent two units from the first
> batch which would arrive the following week (that was more than 3 weeks
> ago I think).  Then I was told they were being sent last Friday, for
> arrival early this week.  Now it appears there's no stock at all?  I
> totally understand the reasons for the delay, so I am surprised the
> original message wasn't simply along the lines of "you'll have to wait
> x weeks", rather than the "they'll be sent today" type messages I've
> been receiving for the past few weeks.

Patrick Cosson
V-P, Sales & Marketing
Slim Devices, Inc.
415-359-7407 cell
413-638-5248 efax

"The Squeezebox is made by people who truly love digital music, and powered
by open-source software that plays almost any music or internet radio
format...It looks gorgeous."

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