On 10/12/05, Philip Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Just tried Moose for the first time.  Pretty good start - I like it, but I've found some problems (I think):

1. Main Window - if I click on the album artwork, it disapears for a couple of seconds then gets redisplayed.
Aye, this is actually an intended feature.. It re-requests the current artwork.. In the early days Moose would be told that a new song was playing, so it requested artwork, but the server would randomly return the previous songs artwork.. So, clicking the artwork fixed the problem.. Doesnt really make sense anymore - clicking the artwork should probably either cycle the jpgs in the album folder, or maybe jump to some info on the album or something..

2. With a player configured with a blank MAC address, click on any label (eg. "Artist"), and a lot of the text is made invisible.  Click again to redisplay it.  I think this is equivalent to clicking on the "Viewing:" button.  In fact, this seems to happen if clicking on most blank form space.
Clicking the viewing button, or on the background of the now playing window switches the display between tags and paths. Clicking the larger track, artist or album text switches between 'tidy-text' and 'normal'.. Tidy-text strips spaces, removes leading 'The's and capitalises the first letter of the larger text. When I sort right-click menus out, this'll all be more intuitive hopefully.

3. Library - I'm not seeing the artwork thumbnails, just yellow circles instead.
The are problems with these thumbnails if you use the 'rescan folders' way of populating the moo file. 0.17 added a fix if your files are set up with the following folder structure: <artist>/<album>/<tracks>  (and accessible via the audioroot path) (and have the file folder.jpg, cover.jpg or thumb.jpg)

4. Don't know what I did, but after bit of use, the playlist wasn't displaying any tracks, and I couldn't add any from the library.
This doesnt sound good.. If you see it again, and can repeat it, let me know..

5. I can't get the tagger app (Mp3Tag) to work.  Perhaps the current working folder needs to be set to the Mp3Tag install dir when launching?
With folder scanning, the tagger, open folder and album thumbnail options all require your music to be accessible via the audio root path. Also, they must be organised <artist>/<album>/<tracks>.
With SQLite scanning, the tagger and open folder features dont currently work, but the album artwork should be less of a pain.

7. Would be nice to be able to drag slider bars - eg. to change volume or track position (eg. visual update when dragging such as display volume/track time as hover text, commit when mouse button is released).
Yes, good idea..

8. Is the Play button (bottom left) required, as there is a ">" play button bottom-right?  Nb. the bottom-right button could toggle between ">" and "||" when play/pause.
The bottom left button shows the status of the player. I need to add graphics to those buttons to neaten things up a bit. Changing the play button to pause is now on the list.. :-)

9. Would be nice if it could be minimised to task tray.
Coming soon..

10. "Open Folder" doesn't do anything.
See 5. above..
- Dr Lovegrove
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