On Dec 19, 2005, at 7:43 PM, mbonsack wrote:

dean Wrote:

I don't understand it either.  Make sure you get in touch with our
support team, it may be that there's an actual hardware problem,
they'll make sure you get it resolved.

Elsewhere in another related wireless thread, a member of slimdevices
mentioned that "we're working with our OS vendor to resolve the
wireless issues. There should be a new version of the OS that resolves
this by mid-Dec" or something to that effect.  So, if you "don't
understand it", what exactly are you working on with your OS supplier?
I don't really understand your specific problem as described. It doesn't look to me like any of the known bugs that we're trying to get fixed.

The support folks are much better than I am at the kind of troubleshooting that you need. They are here for you.

It just seems that too many folks are coming up with crazy workarounds
to an issue where Slim should be a bit more forthcoming.  I think it
would make everyone feel better if Slim mentioned that wireless is
simply broken (if that is indeed the case) and is being worked on.
I don't know how to be clearer. There are a number of known compatibility issues with routers. They are publicly documented in http://bugs.slimdevices.com/ and now are summarized on the wiki by both the community and the team here at Slim Devices. We are working with our OS vendor to resolve them as quickly as possible.

Then, people won't spend endless cycles trying to come up with router
lists, etc. in an attempt to get the SB2/SB3 to connect.
Many of the issues that have been reported have been due to misconfigured routers, hardware problems or other issues that aren't really software bugs. The folks in this forum are incredibly generous with their time helping folks diagnose the issues. If this doesn't work, we encourage contacting our support team for one-on-one help getting you going.

All I know is that the wireless industry would be nowhere if you only
had a 50% chance of connecting at any given Starbucks.
I couldn't agree more. Luckily, our experience has been that far FAR more than 50% of our customers get connected easily. The ones who don't often come to the forum to get help. Some of those issues are resolved by fixing a configuration issue, but a few remaining ones are issues with compatibility.

We've identified a bunch of them and are working hard to get them fixed.

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