
I have a recently upgraded to 6.2.2 on Windows 2003 Server. I have a
library of 80K+ tracks and I'm experiencing long gaps (up to 15
Seconds) between tracks when playing a playlist. I've tried clearing
and rescanning the database (takes a few hours!). I've also tried
switching to using my MoodLogic database rather than going directly to
the files system. My music files are held on a 1Tb Bufallo TerraStation
on a 1Gb Network to my Server and my Squeezebox is connected over a
100Mb cable through the same switch the Server is connected to. My
server is a 3.5GHz P4 with 1Gb of memory so there should be enough

Any suggestions would help. I've scanned the forums and switched off
Album Art etc as other posts have suggested.


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