jasenj1 Wrote: 
> I'm using Apple Lossless on OS X 10.3.9 and 10.4.4(Intel).  I have a
> little over 300 discs ripped using iTunes.  I haven't had any problems
> with white noise.  I have an SB3 and am running SS 6.2.1 on the 10.3.9
> machine and SS 6.5.1b1 on the Intel machine.  I use the digital coax
> output into an HK AVR-230.  Oh, and firmware version 28.  Whew.
> In short: It all works fine for me.
> - Jasen.

Well I'm glad it seems to work. I just can't figure out why all of my
gaps turn into white noise. My specs

iMac G5 10.4.4
SlimServer 6.2.2 or 6.5.1b1 (tried both)
same ~ 250 discs ripped using iTunes AppleLossless
Stored on external firewire HD
Streamed via AP Extreme
SB2 optical into Panny SAXR70

The white noise is a killer!

Oh yea, the same files streamed through an AP Express to the Panny - no
problems with white noise at all.

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