I'm currently working on enhancing the support script for the
DirectPlay plugin to output PDF files with cover art included.
I'm not sure how to handle customization of the output - it is
probably easiest to include a few sample templates to choose from.

Right now as long as you're not removing music and performing
a full rescan, the database IDs of albums and tracks tend to
stay the same, so one thing I'm looking at is an option to
print only albums added from a certain date. This will allow
you to add pages to your book rather than reprinting everything.

I've also got proof-of-concept code working to 'fix' the database
renumbering issue by using a fingerprint of a track rather than
slimserver's ID number. This is going to take a while to see the
light of day though.

jth's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=48
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=20138

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