I'm thinking the folks at Slim have been a little too quiet lately. 
Either they're bogged down filling orders, out blowing their
recently-acquired fortunes, or working up some new stuff in the lab.

So, what might the next hardware offering be?  I've got 2 ideas that
spring to mind:

1 - A component-sized SB.  This has been talked about for a long time,
but with a lot of feature requests and technical details ironed out in
the SB2/3, maybe it's time they built a premium offering in the $1000
range.  What could they possibly add or change to make it worth 3x as

a - Heavy, shielded, rack-mountable case with the thick, milled front
panel audiophiles cream over.

b - Heavy-duty power supply.  Lots of mods in the audiophile community
suggest this is an area for possible improvement

c - bigger display.  A full-sized case would allow for a wider display
panel which would reduce scrolling

d - Front panel controls.  There has been some demand for this, and the
larger front panel would allow space for it.

e - the ability to defeat the analog circuitry, headphone output,
display, etc.  Probably wouldn't make any difference in the sound, but
audiophiles like being able to defeat unused circuitry that *might*
interfere with the signal.

f - standard AC socket so audiophiles can use their own $3000 power
cords if desired.

g - balanced analog outputs for those with fully balanced systems

h - larger buffer.  The more something costs, the less people will put
up with playback glitches.  No reason not to put an even larger buffer
on board to make dropouts extremely rare, even with non-optimal
wireless connections.  

i - upgraded remote, which is actually my 2nd speculation - see below.

2 - a premium remote control dedicated to making the SB experience
easier, more fun and enjoyable.  It would have a bright, vivid color
LCD screen at least 320 x 240 pixels.  Album art and track details are
displayed as the song plays.  Browse by album cover is possible (touch
screen?).  Backlighting is essential.  RF is standard, so you don't
need line-of-sight.  These technologies tend to be pretty expensive, so
the remote might cost more than the actual SB!  I'm thinking in the $300
- $500 range.  A lot of people would want it, though.  It's a nice
upgrade for existing SB die-hards, and I'm guessing a significant
number of new orders would go for the upgrade remote, too.

Pale Blue Ego
Pale Blue Ego's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=110
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