kewe65 Wrote: 
> If there was one single thing on the "what's next" list for Slim, it
> ought to be this sort of capability.  The fact that this product was
> developed and put on the market should be evidence enough that there is
> *some* decent interest in getting any audio that is sent to your audio
> card also streamed wirelessly to the stereo.
For $87 (on Amazon) it sounds like it might be worth checking out.  I
don't really see it as an SB competitor, but I'd also be surprised if
something like this didnt't satisfy the needs of 90% of the people just
looking for a way to play music from their PCs on their stereo systems.

By far the biggest advantage would be in terms of software.  Both the
software for music playback and the music itself.  Use I-Tunes,
J.River, foobar, Winamp, Windows Media Player, any software you like. 
Maybe more importantly DRMed music is no problem.  Anything you've
configured your PC to play, you can stream.

Just imagining of all the software they _don't_ have to write is mind

You could have a $300 Squeezebox do the same thing as this $87 device
if Slim Devices would just write a Windows device driver to do it, but
I'm not sure if that makes any sense given the huge cost difference. 
It would only appeal to buyers who feel that a) the Squeezebox sounds
better and b) it's worth paying an extra $200 for that sound quality. 
That's got to be a pretty small crowd.


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