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Question: Do you have a 770?
- Got it
- Want it
- Need it
- Forget it

Patrick Dixon Wrote: 
> I don't have a 770 but I thought I'd try the skin anyway.  Using 6 Mar
> nightly.
> It looks very promising and is very responsive, but I'm having some
> problems:
> Firefox doesn't seem to display all the album art in Artwork view. 
> Some of it just never updates
> IE does, but doesn't give a vertical scrollbar, so you can never get to
> the bottom of the page.
> In either, clicking on any Player control in the 'Now Playing' window
> gives a "Playlist for this player is empty" message.

I had issues with both IE and FireFox behaving properly.  Switched to
Opera on the PC and all is well.

I, too, just got my n770 and spent about 3 hours last night streaming
and "remoting" from my Slimserver install in my basement.

I can't comment on the imrpovments due to ajax implementation, but I
will say that the skin responds as well as I'd expect it to on a light
device.  FAR better than the trials I had using Palm V over bluetooth
and iPaq 5550 over WLAN over the last couple of years.

Many thanks to Ben for all his hard work!


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