On 09/03/06, Mark Lanctot
> So I decided to drink the Kool-Aid and tried Moose.

Oh dear, you dont wanna do that.. Welcome on board though.. ;-)

> .NET 2.0 is a huge improvement.  No impact on boot-up times and no
> annoying 'ASP .NET' user.

Yeah, I was quite suprised at the difference it seems to make.. The only
downside is Im going to need a faster machine to speed up MS's new
development environment.. Shiny but slow..

> And Moose?  Wow!  What a cool app!  Fast, efficient, clean, uncluttered
> UI, bug-free.

Cool, glad you like it.. Dont know about bug-free, but it's getting there.. :-)

> I have a few minor niggles:
> 1.  Stop does not work.  Pause does, but pressing the Stop button on
> the bottom right has no effect.

Hmm, I'll check this out.. Those buttons just do the same as the ones
on the remote (in theory).. Things keep changing on the server, so maybe
something's broken..

> 2.  Changing players is not as intuitive or simple as other operations.
> I guess this has to be done by the radio button in preferences?
> Personally I'd prefer a simple button somewhere in the main UI.
> Something that would call up a drop-down list.

Yes, currently it's a bit tucked away.. The original intention was to have
a Now Playing window for each unit.. Then you could drag/drop playlists
between them, etc.. I think a simple switcher - maybe just a submenu of
players - might be the simplest/quickest solution in the short-term..

Hmmm, testing could be a problem here.. If SD fancy donating a
few SB3's to the cause, dont be shy.. ;-)

> 3.  I couldn't get the external tagger to work (Mp3tag).  It errored
> out with a German dialog.  I've seen this issue mentioned before, I
> just have to look for the solution.

Ahh, just tried mp3tag.. Seems not to like spaces in its arguments..
Just fixed Moose to get round this, so should work in the next release..

> 4.  It waits a fairly long time for the server response when starting
> up.  10-15 seconds.  No big deal, but I thought there was a problem
> when I first started it.

10-15 seconds seems pretty slow.. Which server version are you
running ? With 6.5 nightlies and MySQL it takes roughly 2 seconds
for Moose to appear and show the playlist and album-art on my
machine here..

- Dr Lovegrove
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