I've spent most of today trying to find out what is going wrong and i'm
getting to the point where my squeezebox and all associated software is
likely to be launched through through a window ... however some more
data ...

My library has a lot of individual music files (2000+), not parts of
albums, and stored in a directory named as their first letter. They are
a mixture of mp3 and wma. There are also a number of albums (mp3, wma,
and flac) stored in artist/album sub directories of these directories.
There are no problems with any of the album directories.

What I find is that a number of the files do not appear under Artists
in the music library after a full scan. If I do a Browse Albums then
then they do appear in All Songs. I have checked the tags with Mp3Tag
(plus several other tools) made sure they are ID3v2.3 (for mp3s) and
all looks ok. With d_scan set the tracks appear on the file list with
no errors reported.

other oddities ..

After 8 full rescans one of the tracks, which had not been edited
during that time, decided to appear in the Artist List. At the time it
appeared I had just modified the title of an un-related track. This was
not to last though as it dissapeared again after the next full rescan
and has not been seen since!

I have tried completely un-installing and re-installing, standing on my
head while hitting the enter key, and sacrificing a goat .. all to no
avail ..

Anyone any thoughts ?

Dave Bird
Dave Bird's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3251
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