Hi Grumpy Git (that has been me over that last two weeks!)

Do you have an always on internet connection? The TS-101 is setup to
get the latest time every hour from an NTP server if the router you are
connected to is connected to the Internet. This should keep the time on
your SB accruate.

I'll ping Qnap though to see if it is a bug they are working on as
SlimServer takes the time from the system clock.


Progressive Consumer Electronics Ltd

Grumpy_Git Wrote: 
> I've been playing with my squeezebox and Qnap and have noticed that the
> Time and date info is incorrect, can anyone tell me where I can change
> this, I'm assuming this info is pulled from the server and hope that
> the blasted password protection will not prevent me from changing
> this.
> Hope I'm not just being incredibly dense.
> thanks in advance,
> Nick.

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