Hi Andrew,

The Squeezeboxes on the network get the time from the local server, in
this case the TS-101. There is a bug in the TS-101 firmware that Qnap
are working on currently working on. At installation I set the clock to
update from the NTP server once an hour which keeps it pretty much
accurate. Obviously this won't be needed when they fix this time


Progressive Consumer Electronics Ltd

finnie Wrote: 
> Paul,
> Only a completely different TS-101 subject, where does SS get its clock
> tick from ?
> I am asking this because the time shown on my SBs drifts out
> significantly throughout the day.
> I have setup the TS-101 to get a time sync from an NTP server once a
> day, but between these it can be upto 10 mins or more out.
> Any ideas ?
> Regards,
> Andrew.
> p.s. This shows you how happy I am with my setup when all I have to
> worry about is the clock !

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