Yannzola Wrote: 
> How silent is it? Under or over 20db? Louder than a new Tivo?
> How "plug and play" is it? Can a novice comsumer get it running without
> too much hassle? How does one update Slimserver? Is there enough
> headroom to accomodate additional plugins? Is it wireless?

I've had my Infrant NV box a month or so, and am very happy with it. 

It's too noisy to keep in the living room, but I hadn't planned to do
that anyway.  It's in the office along with all my computers. 

Setup was pretty easy, though I did need to contact Infrant for help
with setting it up with my static-ip addressing.  Probably would have
been a breeze with DHCP.  

I believe that the infrant box runs a flavor of linux, and can be
upgraded with more RAM, so I guess it would be possible add more stuff,
It's not like there's just a limited 8MB ROM for anything.


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