shabbs Wrote: 
> Well - I just rebuilt my new home system and loaded v6.3.0 on it after
> running v6.2.2 on my old system and had the same issue as everyone else
> here. Main screen was showing that I had 14,000+ songs in my library
> when I knew full well I only had 9,000+. Re-installed, re-scanned,
> etc... many times over in the past few days and then came here. My tags
> are clean and have been from the start. Now I'm rolling back to v6.2.2
> to fix the issue.
> Looks like v6.3.0 was not ready for prime time just yet...
> Hopefully v6.3.1 will have a fix.
> Cheers.It would help if you file and/or contribute to a bug report as this 
> will
ensure that the problem gets addressed and fixed.

I'm sure you can assume that had the developers known about it prior to
release they would have already fixed it, so it obviously doesn't show
up with their test dataset.

Patrick Dixon
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